Content marketing – it’s more than just the words on your homepage and the blogs on your website. It’s a strategy that reaches new customers with valuable information, and if done correctly, it can build loyalty, increase your revenue, and give you a consistent stream of organic web traffic that you don’t have to pay for month over month.

I combine my experience as a writer with my professional SEO expertise to deliver content marketing services that move the needle for your business. We’ll find the topics that your target audiences are interested in, publish that content on your site, optimize it for search engines, and watch your traffic grow

    Philadelphia Content Marketing Services

    Content Audits & Gap Analysis

    Firstly, I’ll look at the content you currently have; is it written well enough to rank on Google, and is it search engine optimized? Secondly, I’ll take a look at the content that your direct competitors have published. We may need to go head-to-head with them so your site doesn’t look inferior in Google’s eyes. In short, the first item of business is bringing your content footprint up to par with your competitors.

    Content Strategy Consultation

    After the audit has concluded, I’ll start mapping out the content we need to publish in the coming weeks and months. I use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMRush, and Ahrefs to find relevant questions that people are asking, and I compile as many topics as I possibly can into a spreadsheet. I’ll also dig into your search ad campaigns and Google Search Console for topic ideas, when possible.

    Building Your Content

    As a former professional writer, I prefer to handle the execution of my clients’ content marketing myself rather than handing it off to someone else. This excludes you, of course — I’m more than happy to hand you a content strategy roadmap that your in-house team can execute. Your content will be well-research, search engine optimized, and highly valuable, and I’ll always implement internal linking to give you an extra SEO boost.

    How To Make Money From Content Marketing

    Page Structure & Internal Links Matter

    Let’s say you have a blog that ranks well on Google and provides 500 monthly organic users. That’s great! But do those users know that you also sell a relevant product on your website? To get the most out of your content marketing traffic, consider implementing a sidebar that showcases your most popular products, or make sure the “shop now” link is always visible to the reader.

    You should also work strategic internal links to your money pages from your content. Don’t be annoying or aggressive, but you should absolutely urge your readers to check out the products that will make you money. If you have a competitive offer — like a free trial or discount — I recommend including that in your call to action (CTA) at the end of the blog or page.

    Content Marketing Feeds Your Retargeting Funnel

    What if someone finds your blog, reads it, and leaves without buying anything? Are they gone forever? If your retargeting funnel is adequate, you stand a good chance of reacquiring them.

    Build audiences in Google Analytics of people who visited specific blogs or sections of your site, and build display ads unique to those audiences. You can launch a one-size-fits-all ad for sitewide visitors — the ad won’t be relevant. But do send them a remarketing ad that relates to the content they read on your site, and if possible, include an offer of some kind. Acquiring new customers is always the most expensive part of business growth. Note: retargeting clicks are very cheap, often as low as $0.25 apiece. This strategy won’t drain your bank account.

    Make Sure Your Content Is Relevant To Your Desired Audience

    Your content marketing is only valuable if you are attracting the right users to your site. Unless you intend to capitalize on AdSense revenue, a blog post with 10,000 visitors per month won’t do any good if those readers want nothing to do with your product or service.

    In sum, remember that a small audience of hyper-relevant web visitors is worth far more than a large audience of casual readers.

    How Else Does Content Marketing Benefit SEO?

    It Communicates Authority and Relevance To Google

    A sports apparel site with 30 well-written pages of content about relevant subject matter (not counting product pages) will perform better than a competing site with only 10 pages. Why?

    Google measures your site’s overall health, quality, and relevance when deciding whether or not a page will rank, so even if your individual blog posts don’t rank all that high, their presence will help your home page or money pages rank better. Of course, the next point is even more powerful:

    It Bolsters Your Internal Linking Strategy

    Let’s continue with the aforementioned sports apparel brand. If that brand publishes blog posts around the general topic of sports memorabilia, they would benefit from including internal links from those blog posts to their related product pages with anchor text like “Phillies sports memorabilia” and the like. This helps Google decipher your site’s hierarchy, as well as the individual purpose of pages.

    It Increases Dwell Time

    Most experts agree that if someone finds your site organically and stays a while (they “dwell” on your site), Google will reward you with stronger keyword rankings over time. And if your website has a high volume of valuable content, and you encourage web visitors to engage with that content via internal links and strategic calls to action, your average user’s dwell time will increase.

    Call a Philadelphia Content Marketing Expert Today

    It can take time (often several months) for Google to crawl your new content, assess its value, and reward it with organic traffic, so the sooner you start, the better. You can also repurpose your high value content; create videos from it (YouTube SEO), or package it up for social media consumption. You have every reason to commence your content marketing campaign, and I would be happy to hear from you.