SEO can be convoluted and difficult, but in my opinion, it all boils down to two things: offering value to prospective clients through your website, and communicating that value to Google with the right optimization techniques. I’ve built multiple businesses from scratch through SEO, and I’ve seen firsthand how a professional, consistent search engine optimization effort can transform your business.

Whether you run a large company or a small local business, I would love to chat with you and enact a strategy that increases your web traffic, leads, and revenue.

    Philadelphia SEO Expert Services

    Technical SEO Cleanup

    Things on the internet break, and it’s my job to fix them. Do you have broken pages (404s), broken links, or incorrect canonical tags on your site? You may not even know they exist, but Google certainly does. Google takes technical hints from your site —  like low pagespeed, bad mobile UX, and more — to judge your site’s quality, and bad technical SEO leads to poor keyword rankings.

    On-Page Optimization

    Google relies on signals from your title tags, H1 tags, image alt text and more to judge your relevance to search queries on the web. If you aren’t targeting the right queries in this html elements, or if they are absent altogether, you can’t compete in the search engine results pages (SERPs). I can use advanced SEO tools to pick the right keywords and implement them in the right places on your site – it’s the bare minimum for ranking on Google.

    Link Building & PR

    Each link to your website counts as a vote in Google’s eyes, and as a result, websites with lots of links rank higher in Google search. I can help you bid high quality links to your site, capitalize on previous PR and brand mentions, and land PR hits that will lead to more links and better keyword rankings.

    Local SEO Services

    Local SEO is sometimes a different game entirely. Google relies on proximity for local searches (ex. “Plumbers near me”), but you can rank higher in the Google Map Pack by building your site correctly, having the right content, and building “citation,” or mentions of your site, across the web. Depending on your industry, it might be more important for your Google My Business listing to rank well than your website.

    SEO Content Services

    Content is stil (and always will be) one of the most important ranking factors, and if you don’t have lots of high quality, optimized content, your website will always underperform. I’ll help you figure out what content is important, and I can either send you a  list of topics or publish them myself. 

    How I Create Effective SEO Campaigns

    Technical SEO Cleanup

    Firstly, I will run a technical SEO audit on your website. I hunt for issues manually and with tools like SEMRush and Screaming Frog, and once those audits are complete, I’ll get to work fixing issues. Sometimes the fixes are simple — you may just need some 301 redirects for broken pages, or your images may need to be resized. Sometimes this stage is more arduous, as is the case with large websites with a botched language flip (for sites with versions in different languages).

    If you have a manually coded website that only your developers can edit, I can also supply you with a document of my findings and an implementation guide.

    Regardless of your situation, technical SEO audits are always the first step in my campaigns. Links and content won’t do any good if your site is fundamentally flawed.

    On-Page Search Engine Optimization

    I use Google Keyword Planner, SEMRush, and Ahrefs to research keywords for your website, and then I’ll set to work writing keyword optimized page titles, meta descriptions, H1 tags, and more. Internal linking strategy also fits in this category — your pages need to link to each other in such a way that Google can crawl them, determine their hierarchy, and decipher relevance. This optimization phase may also include some tactful rewriting of your existing website copy, and if needed, we can add additional content to your current pages.

    Link Building Services and Digital PR

    This is often the most challenging part of SEO; how do you get other websites to link to yours? I’ve been building links for years, and I’ve learned a number of tactics that only experience can teach. I only build “white-hate” links (links that won’t get your site penalized by Google), and I rely on outreach, thought leadership, and PR to earn high-powered links to your website.

    Regarding digital PR, reporters and web writers regularly look for experts to comment in their articles. If they quote you, they will often include a link to your website. I use PR tools to connect with these writers, and I’ll work with you to write pitches that have a high likelihood getting published.

    Local SEO Strategy

    Would you benefit from ranking higher in Google’s map pack? Most local businesses would, and I’ve seen the power of strong local SEO in my own businesses. I can help you generate local leads by getting your business’s name, address, and phone number listed on as many local directories as possible, and I can create a locally-focused content strategy for you. Those elements, when paired with a properly optimized website and Google My Business (GMB) listing, will tell Google that your business is authoritative and relevant.

    Regarding your GMB listing: if you don’t already have one, I’ll create one for you and get it verified as soon as possible. Then, we’ll optimize that listing by updating your business info, services and service areas. It’s a fairly quick process, but it can drive effective business growth.

    SEO Content Creation

    In a nutshell, your website content should answer the questions your prospective clients are asking. This accomplishes two things:

    • Web users will find your content, view you as an expert in that field, and call you for services or products
    • Google will crawl that content and view your site as more authoritative in your niche. In turn, your actual service pages or homepage will rank higher.

    I’ve built content strategies for countless businesses, and I can do the same for you.

    SEO Reporting: Keyword and Traffic Tracking

    Google Analytics & Search Console Tracking

    Before proceeding with link building, content, or SEO, I’ll make sure Google Analytics is properly installed on your website and firing in real time. Once this is done, we can see how many new visitors are coming to your site, where they are coming from (organic traffic vs. paid traffic, etc.). I consider Google Analytics tracking to be more important than keyword-level tracking — keyword rankings mean nothing if they aren’t leading to traffic and actions on your site.

    Search Console is a Google Webmaster Tool that allows you to find errors in your site’s schema data, submit new pages and sitemaps to be crawled, view organic search query data, and more.

    Both tools are incredibly important to digital marketing success, and I’ll help you implement them right at the beginning of our engagement.

    Keyword Level Tracking

    Near the beginning of our work together, I will create a list of your high value keywords, load them into SEMRush, note benchmarks, and keep an eye on their performance. This position tracking tool allows me to see daily updates to your keyword rankings, so we’ll know in fairly short order what works and doesn’t work.

    Great, Another Philadelphia SEO Consultant – What Makes Me Different?

    Yes, I’ve been an SEO professional for years, worked with numerous brands and clients, and driven exceptional results. But hasn’t everyone else? Here are three things that set me apart from other SEO strategists.

    I’ve Been Quoted and Featured in Numerous Publications

    I’ve pitched and written articles for PPC Hero, The Bookseller, and others, and I’ve been quoted or featured on, Search Engine Watch, Best Company, Outbrain, Meltwater, and many others. My experience and diverse client base has led me to a number of unique strategies, and I’m always happy to share what I’ve learned.

    I Take a Content-First Approach

    Perhaps as a result of my career beginnings in copywriting, I always emphasize the importance of content quality on a website. Forget search engine optimization for a moment — is your website adding value, or does it simply clutter the internet with more jargon and fluff? Google’s RankBrain algorithm gets better at filtering fluff every day, and well-researched content that people want to read becomes more important each time Google updates its search engine. This is also the foundation of my link-building strategy — I only expect links to pages that are worth linking to.

    Additionally, I prefer to write all of my clients’ web copy myself (a key difference from many digital strategists). I combine my in-depth SEO knowledge with professional writing skills to create pages that Google, and humans, will love.

    I Follow An Omni-Channel Approach to Marketing

    SEO does not exist in a vacuum. It has to work in tandem with your search ad campaigns, your boots-on-the-ground sales strategy, and your display/social advertising. I have significant experience in paid media as well, so I use data from Google Ads and other channels to inform my SEO strategy. I’ve also found that SEO is the best way to fill the top of your sales funnel; once you are getting organic traffic, you can remarket to those users with very cheap display network ads.

    Let’s Talk SEO

    SEO takes time to kick in, but once you start seeing results, it can be your most valuable marketing channel. Since it does take time, it’s best to view it as an investment — the sooner you get started, the sooner your returns will start to compound.  Let’s have a conversation about your company, your goals, and how SEO can transform your business.